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Some people lie, especially Donald J. Trump

The film the Trump Organization tried to suppress | You've Been Trumped Too (2020) TOP Prosecutor PERFECTLY DEBUNKS Trump Tri...

We will NEVER serve a King

'Blasphemous': pastor slams Trump

Friday, July 5, 2024

Donald Trump lies, a LOT

Scaramucci: Trump ’told a lie every 100 seconds” during debate
CNN’s Kaitlan Collins speaks with former Trump White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci.
Anthony Scaramucci is an American financier who briefly served as the White House Director of Communications from July 21 to July 31, 2017. Yes, during Trump's term in office.

Trump lies...a LOT

‘Unbelievable lies all the time’: Rick Wilson on Trump’s false statements at debate
NBC News’ Shaquille Brewster spoke with voters about the debate to get their reaction. The Lincoln Project co-founder Rick Wilson joins Katy Turr to discuss former President Trump’s false statements during the debate against President Biden.

The Biggest Lies of Trump’s Presidency
And the most disgusting part, many still believe him

Trump in Nevada: 'I Love the Poorly Educated'

That's because he then knows he can con (CONald) his supporters to send him money, believe his lies, send him money, buy his stupid merchandise, send him money....

President Donald Trump: Four years of division, chaos and lies in the USA

OH NO: Trump Lied About Donating His Salary to Charity

Donald Trump ordered to pay $354.9m for lying about his wealth


The Importance of Truthful Presidential Leadership

In any democratic society, the role of the president is pivotal. This individual not only leads the nation but also serves as a beacon of integrity and honesty. Here’s why having a president who speaks the truth is crucial:

1. Trust and Credibility
A truthful president fosters trust among the populace. When the leader of a nation consistently speaks the truth, people feel secure in knowing that their government is transparent and accountable.

2.Effective Decision-Making
Truthful information is essential for making informed decisions, both at the presidential level and among the citizens. Misinformation or deceit can lead to flawed policies and detrimental consequences.

3. Stability and Unity
Truthful communication promotes stability within society. It reduces confusion, minimizes speculation, and helps unite people under a common understanding of facts and realities.

4. International Relations
A president who speaks the truth enhances the credibility of their country on the global stage. Diplomatic relationships rely on trust and honesty, and a truthful leader can strengthen alliances and negotiations.

5. Ethical Leadership
Truthfulness is a cornerstone of ethical leadership. It demonstrates respect for the electorate, a commitment to democratic principles, and a willingness to be held accountable for actions and decisions.

6. Public Accountability
A truthful president welcomes accountability. They are willing to address mistakes openly, learn from them, and work towards improving governance and policies for the benefit of all citizens.

7. Inspiration and Role Modeling
Leadership by example is powerful. A president who embodies truthfulness inspires others to uphold honesty in their own lives and encourages future generations to value integrity in leadership.

8. Social Cohesion
In times of crisis or uncertainty, a truthful president provides reassurance and guidance. Clear, honest communication fosters resilience and solidarity among the population.

9. Long-term Impact
The legacy of a truthful president extends beyond their term in office. Their commitment to truth and integrity sets a precedent for future leaders and shapes the moral compass of the nation.

10. Preserving Democracy
Ultimately, a truthful president upholds the principles of democracy. They empower citizens with accurate information, enabling them to participate meaningfully in civic life and make informed choices.

In conclusion, the importance of having a president who speaks the truth cannot be overstated. It is foundational to effective governance, societal trust, and the preservation of democratic ideals. As citizens, holding our leaders accountable for truthfulness ensures that our collective voice remains strong and our nation thrives with integrity.

This page will be about Donald J Trump's lies. No, it doesn't have much on it right now, but I'm setting it up so it can be linked elsewhere

Independence day is July 4, NOT January 6

Donald Trump being rude, the epitome of a school bully

‘Dumb as f---’: Trump forced to hear mean tweets about himself in court
On the second day of Trump’s New York criminal trial, some prospective jurors had their social media posts about the former president read aloud into the official record. “It went something like a Jimmy Kimmel ‘mean tweets’ skit,” says Chris Hayes.


Trump being rude

Donald Trump compilation: The 90 most shocking things he's said during election campaign
From calling Mexicans' rapists to "locker room talk" and "such a nasty woman." Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has said and done some outrageous things on the campaign trail. Here's the 90 most memorable.

(And he's gotten worse - This was from November 2016)

Raw: Trump Pushes Past Montenegro PM at NATO
President Donald Trump appeared to push himself past the prime minister of Montenegro during a tour of NATO's new headquarters Thursday. (May 25)

Trump mocks reporter with disability
Donald Trump is under fire again, this time for mocking a New York Times reporter that suffers from a chronic condition.
Serge Kovaleski suffers from arthrogryposis, a condition which limits the movement of joints and is particularly noticeable in Kovaleski's right arm and hand

'You are a rude, terrible person' : Trump attacks CNN reporter
After being challenged on the migrant caravan by CNN's Jim Acosta, Trump took the opportunity to berate the reporter.

In today’s fast-paced and often competitive world, the art of negotiation and communication skills are more valuable than ever. Whether in business, politics, or personal relationships, how we engage with others can make a significant difference in outcomes and long-term success. At the heart of effective communication lies civility, a fundamental attribute that fosters respect, understanding, and collaboration. Conversely, resorting to bullying tactics, such as yelling or intimidation, may yield short-term gains but often leads to strained relationships and negative consequences in the long run.

Civility forms the bedrock of productive negotiations. It involves treating others with respect, actively listening to their perspectives, and maintaining a constructive demeanor even in challenging situations. When individuals approach negotiations with civility, they demonstrate a willingness to find mutually beneficial solutions, rather than focusing solely on their own interests. This approach not only enhances the likelihood of reaching agreements but also strengthens trust and rapport among parties involved.

In contrast, employing bullying tactics like yelling, threats, or aggression may appear to achieve immediate compliance or concessions. However, such behavior typically erodes trust, escalates conflicts, and can damage reputations. Individuals who resort to bullying often prioritize short-term gains over long-term relationships, neglecting the potential for collaborative outcomes and sustainable success.

Effective negotiation skills, coupled with civility, enable individuals to navigate complex scenarios with grace and professionalism. By fostering open communication, acknowledging diverse viewpoints, and seeking common ground, negotiators can create environments conducive to problem-solving and innovation. Civility encourages creativity and inclusivity, allowing all parties to contribute ideas without fear of reprisal or marginalization.

Moreover, civility extends beyond negotiations; it shapes organizational culture, influences public perception, and contributes to societal harmony. Leaders who exemplify civility inspire loyalty and dedication among their teams, fostering a positive work environment where productivity and morale thrive. In public discourse, civility promotes constructive dialogue and facilitates meaningful progress on issues of collective importance.

Conversely, the repercussions of bullying behavior extend far beyond immediate conflicts. Organizations that tolerate or endorse bullying risk losing talented employees, damaging their brand reputation, and facing legal liabilities. In politics and public service, bullying undermines democratic values and diminishes public trust in institutions. Individuals who resort to bullying may achieve short-lived victories but often find themselves isolated and distrusted in the long term.

Ultimately, the choice between civility and bullying transcends mere strategy; it reflects core values and principles that shape personal and professional integrity. While the allure of aggressive tactics may tempt some, the enduring impact of civility resonates far deeper. By cultivating civility and honing negotiation skills, individuals empower themselves to build bridges, forge meaningful connections, and achieve sustainable success in all facets of life.

In conclusion, the importance of civility and effective negotiation skills cannot be overstated in today's interconnected world. By embracing civility, individuals not only enhance their ability to negotiate effectively but also contribute to a culture of respect, collaboration, and mutual understanding. In contrast, bullying tactics may yield immediate gains but jeopardize relationships and long-term success. Therefore, let us prioritize civility in our interactions, recognizing its power to foster positive change and create a better future for all.

This page will be about Donald J Trump's rude behavior from the time he started his campaign in June 16, 2015. No, it doesn't have much on it right now, but I'm setting it up so it can be linked elsewhere

Independence day is July 4, NOT January 6

Joe Biden's Accomplishments

"When you get knocked down you get back up!" Joe Biden delivers fiery speech at NC rally
Pres. Biden spoke at a campaign rally in North Carolina on Friday, just one day after Thursday night's presidential debate against Donald Trump.
"I know I'm not a young man... I don't walk as easy as I used to. I don't debate as well as I used to. But I know what I do know. I know how to tell the truth."

Joe: Democrats, you better get this right; you better think through it and take your time
The Morning Joe panel discusses President Biden's debate performance, his response to the debate and the discussion around replacing him at the top of the Democratic ticket.

President Joe Biden is human, he's not a cyborg superman

He, like EVERY other human being needs rest after MAJOR traveling, having a cold, etc


Independence day is July 4, NOT January 6

This page will be about what President Joe Biden has done to help our Nation while in office. No, it doesn't have anything on it right now, but I'm setting it up so it can be linked elsewhere

Independence day is July 4, NOT January 6

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Stormy Daniels and The Hush Money Trial

Stormy Daniels on Trump, hush money trial

Stormy Daniels, in her first U.S. interview since Donald Trump was found guilty in his New York criminal trial, talks with Rachel Maddow about the harrowing experience of being the star witness against Trump and how the trial has turned her life upside down.

Stormy Daniels on Trump, Hush Money Trial

How Stormy Daniels made the mistake of taking Donald Trump seriously

Stormy Daniels, in her first U.S. interview since Donald Trump was found guilty in his New York criminal trial, explains why she reasonably believed that Donald Trump invited her to his hotel suite to talk business, and shares insights with Rachel Maddow on the answers she gave in her testimony.

'Trump is trying to make an example out of me': Stormy Daniels menaced by MAGAs for telling truth

In an exclusive interview with Rachel Maddow, Stormy Daniels talks about how Donald Trump and his followers have terrorized, menaced, and tried to ruin her financially for telling the truth about her encounter with Trump, targeting not just herself but her family and loved ones with no support or protection from the justice system that put her in the way of Trump's wrath.

Exclusive: Stormy Daniels talks about the harsh reality of being the star witness against Trump

Stormy Daniels, in her first U.S. interview since Donald Trump was found guilty in his New York criminal trial, talks with Rachel Maddow about the harrowing experience of being the star witness against Trump and how the trial has turned her life upside down.

Exclusive: Stormy Daniels shares new details of her traumatic encounter with Donald Trump

NOTE: Graphic content — Stormy Daniels joins Rachel Maddow in reading through portions of her testimony in the New York criminal trial of Donald Trump, and shares insights and some new details of her encounter with Trump in his hotel suite.


Click here to read Judge in Trump's criminal hush money case postpones sentencing to Sept. 18. The move comes on the heels of the Supreme Court's immunity decision.
During Trump's effort to remove the state case to federal court in 2023, Judge Alvin Hellerstein determined that Trump's alleged conduct in the case was "purely a personal item" outside of Trump's official duties.

Click here to read Following Supreme Court ruling, what happens next in Trump's criminal hush money case? Judge Merchan faces the task of applying the Supreme Court's immunity ruling.
If Merchan opts to set aside the verdict, he could order a new trial without any of the contested evidence related to official acts, according to Levitt.

The "hush money trial" involving Stormy Daniels refers to legal proceedings related to allegations that Donald Trump, BEFORE his presidency, paid hush money to Daniels to silence her about an alleged affair they had in 2006. This affair reportedly took place shortly after Trump's wife, Melania, gave birth to their son, Barron.

The controversy primarily revolves around the legality and ethics of the payment, which was made just BEFORE the 2016 presidential election. Critics argued that the payment, which was made through Trump's then-lawyer Michael Cohen, was intended to prevent Daniels from speaking publicly about the affair and potentially influencing the election.

The trial itself did not directly accuse Trump of attempting to defraud others, but rather focused on CAMPAIGN FINANCE VIOLATIONS and whether the payment constituted an illegal campaign contribution or an attempt to influence the election by suppressing damaging information.

In 2018, Michael Cohen pleaded guilty to CAMPAIGN FINANCE VIOLATIONS, among other charges, in connection with the payments to Daniels and another woman, Karen McDougal, who also alleged an affair with Trump. Cohen claimed he made the payments at Trump's direction and in coordination with him, which Trump denied.

The implications of the trial and the affair itself were significant in terms of public perception, legal scrutiny, and the broader political landscape at the time.

Friendly reminder that (F) "News" had to pay $787 million for lying to America

Matthew 7:15
True and False Prophets
“Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves."

Trump products on CafePress
Click here to order your Trump Products on CafePress

Trump products on Zazzle
Click here to order your Trump Products on Zazzle

The Reckoning: Our Nation's Trauma and Finding a Way to Heal
Click here to order your The Reckoning: Our Nation's Trauma and Finding a Way to Heal

Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man
Click here for order your Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man

Who Could Ever Love You: A Family Memoir
Click here to order your Who Could Ever Love You: A Family Memoir

The Trump Indictments: The Historic Charging Documents with Commentary
Click here to order your The Trump Indictments: The Historic Charging Documents with Commentary

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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Understanding Democracy vs. Dictatorship

Trump's day-one dictatorship tops litany of contrasts targeted by Biden campaign
Rachel Maddow points out that while Donald Trump's threat to democracy is the most urgent issue on which President Joe Biden wants to show American voters a distinction between himself and Trump, it is by no means the only point on which the two candidates contrast sharply.

Someone doesn't like someone posting information about the election and out choices

Earlier today I posted on Instagram AKA IG "Our choice is Democracy or DICtatorship. At least with a Democracy you'll be able to vote again in 4 years. With a DICtatorship you'll never get to vote again. 🤔 Sidenote: Timothy Mellon donated $16.5 million to Trump and $20 million to Kennedy. We're voting blue 🌊💙🙏💙🌊"
It was in response to a person's comment about voting and their sitting this election out, because they didn't like the choices
Instagram IMMEDIATELY removed my comment
Guess they didn't like my pointing ou how important it is to vote

Click here to read "Is Mark Zuckerberg a Democrat or a Republican?"

Mark Zuckerberg says he's neither a Democrat nor a Republican. But his social media network, Facebook, has played a huge role in American politics, particularly the election of Donald Trump in 2016. Four years later, the entrepreneur said Facebook would take a different approach to the 2020 election cycle, including how it handles free speech.

Click here to read Trump’s ‘dictator’ remark puts 2024 campaign right where Biden wants it
The president’s team used the remarks by the GOP frontrunner to showcase why Biden views Trump as a threat to democracy.

Click here to read Timothy Mellon, Secretive Donor, Gives $50 Million to Pro-Trump Group
The cash from Mr. Mellon, a reclusive billionaire who has also been a major donor to a super PAC supporting Robert F. Kennedy Jr., is among the largest single disclosed gifts ever.

Click here to read This Billionaire Donated $100 Million to Trump and RFK Jr.’s Super PACs
Timothy Mellon, a conservative banking heir, has given $75 million to Trump’s super PAC and $25 million to a pro-Kennedy group

The governance of a country profoundly impacts the daily lives of its citizens, its global relations, and its overall progress. Among various forms of government, democracy and dictatorship stand as two contrasting models, each with its distinct characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages. Understanding the differences between these two forms of governance is essential for comprehending how political systems shape societies.

Democracy: Rule by the People

Democracy, derived from the Greek words "demos" (people) and "kratos" (power), signifies a system where power lies with the people. In a democracy, citizens have the right to participate in decision-making processes, either directly or through elected representatives. The core principles of democracy include:

1. Free and Fair Elections: Regular, transparent elections allow citizens to choose their leaders. This mechanism ensures that the government reflects the will of the people.

2. Rule of Law: In a democracy, laws apply equally to all citizens, including leaders. This principle safeguards against abuses of power and promotes justice and equality.

3. Protection of Rights and Freedoms: Democracies prioritize individual freedoms, such as freedom of speech, assembly, and religion. These rights are protected by law and allow citizens to express their views and hold the government accountable.

4. Separation of Powers: Typically, democracies have a system of checks and balances, dividing power among different branches of government (executive, legislative, and judicial) to prevent any one branch from becoming too powerful.

Dictatorship: Concentrated Power

In stark contrast, a dictatorship is a form of government where power is concentrated in the hands of a single individual or a small group. Dictatorships often emerge in times of crisis, where swift decision-making is deemed necessary. Key features of a dictatorship include:

1. Centralized Control: Power is concentrated in the hands of the dictator or ruling elite. Decisions are made without input from the general population.

2. Limited Political Freedoms: Political opposition is typically suppressed, and citizens have limited or no ability to participate in political processes. Freedom of speech, assembly, and the press are often severely restricted.

3. Rule by Decree: The dictator or ruling group often governs by decree, bypassing legislative bodies and ignoring legal constraints. Laws and policies can be changed arbitrarily.

4. Use of Force and Intimidation: Dictatorships often rely on force, intimidation, and propaganda to maintain control. Political dissent is met with harsh penalties, including imprisonment or worse.

Comparative Analysis

The differences between democracy and dictatorship have profound implications for governance and society. Democracies tend to be more stable and prosperous in the long term because they promote inclusivity, accountability, and adaptability. Citizens in democracies are generally more satisfied with their lives due to greater personal freedoms and opportunities for participation.

Conversely, dictatorships, while they can bring rapid decision-making and stability in the short term, often suffer from corruption, abuse of power, and lack of innovation. The absence of checks and balances allows for unchecked authority, which can lead to human rights abuses and economic inefficiencies.

Real-World Examples

Countries like the United States, Canada, and India exemplify democratic governance, where despite imperfections, the systems allow for regular leadership changes and protect individual rights. On the other hand, North Korea under Kim Jong-un and Syria under Bashar al-Assad are modern examples of dictatorships, characterized by centralization of power, suppression of dissent, and limited political freedoms.


The dichotomy between democracy and dictatorship highlights the importance of governance structures in shaping a nation's trajectory. While democracies champion the collective voice and rights of their citizens, dictatorships prioritize control and uniformity, often at the expense of personal freedoms and long-term stability. Understanding these differences helps in appreciating the values of democratic governance and the perils associated with autocratic rule.

Matthew 7:15
True and False Prophets
“Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves."

Trump products on CafePress
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Trump products on Zazzle
Click here to order your Trump Products on Zazzle

The Reckoning: Our Nation's Trauma and Finding a Way to Heal
Click here to order your The Reckoning: Our Nation's Trauma and Finding a Way to Heal

Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man
Click here for order your Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man

Who Could Ever Love You: A Family Memoir
Click here to order your Who Could Ever Love You: A Family Memoir

The Trump Indictments: The Historic Charging Documents with Commentary
Click here to order your The Trump Indictments: The Historic Charging Documents with Commentary

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Why It's Crucial to Stay Politically Informed for the 2024 Election

A couple of month's ago I was notified that IG had changed their Political Content settings. I went in and changed them so I could receive Political Content. I just got notified that they're changed them again. I checked. Yes, they'd changed my settings -

A couple of month's ago I was notified that IG had changed their Political Content settings
I went in and changed them so I could receive Political Content
I just got notified that they're changed them again
I checked
Yes, they'd changed my settings without my permission
Makes me wonder if all this blocking of Political Content is INTENTIONAL!

Click here to read "Is Mark Zuckerberg a Democrat or a Republican?"

Mark Zuckerberg says he's neither a Democrat nor a Republican. But his social media network, Facebook, has played a huge role in American politics, particularly the election of Donald Trump in 2016. Four years later, the entrepreneur said Facebook would take a different approach to the 2020 election cycle, including how it handles free speech.

As we approach the 2024 election season, the importance of staying politically informed cannot be overstated. In a democratic society, where every voice counts, being knowledgeable about political issues and candidates empowers individuals to make informed decisions that shape the future of our nation. Here are several compelling reasons why staying politically informed is crucial:

1. Empowered Decision Making:
When you are politically informed, you have the knowledge needed to assess candidates based on their policies, track records, and proposed solutions to key issues. This enables you to vote for the individuals who align with your values and priorities. Making decisions based on facts rather than hearsay or superficial information ensures that your vote carries the weight of informed choice.

2. Understanding Complex Issues:
Political decisions often involve complex issues such as healthcare, economic policies, international relations, and environmental regulations. By staying informed, you gain a deeper understanding of these issues and the implications of different policy choices. This understanding allows you to engage in meaningful discussions, advocate for causes you believe in, and hold elected officials accountable for their actions.

3. Safeguarding Democracy:
Democracy thrives on an informed electorate. When citizens are well-informed, they are less susceptible to manipulation and misinformation. Informed voters contribute to a more robust democratic process by actively participating in debates, challenging false narratives, and demanding transparency from their leaders. This collective vigilance helps safeguard democratic institutions and ensures that elected officials serve the public interest.

4. Impact on Local and National Policies:
The policies enacted by elected officials affect every aspect of our lives, from education and healthcare to infrastructure and taxation. By staying politically informed, you can advocate for policies that benefit your community and address pressing societal issues. Whether at the local, state, or national level, your informed participation can influence policy decisions and contribute to positive change.

5. Engaging in Civil Discourse:
Informed citizens are better equipped to engage in civil discourse and respectful debate with others who may hold different views. By understanding the nuances of political issues, you can articulate your opinions effectively, listen to opposing perspectives, and seek common ground. Constructive dialogue fosters empathy, cooperation, and consensus-building, which are essential for a healthy democracy.

6. Planning for the Future:
The decisions made by elected officials today will shape the future for generations to come. By staying informed and actively participating in the political process, you can help create a future that reflects your values and aspirations. Whether you are concerned about environmental sustainability, social justice, or economic prosperity, your informed engagement can influence policies that address these long-term challenges.

7. Upholding Civic Responsibility:
Being politically informed is not just a right but also a civic responsibility. It honors the sacrifices made by those who fought for the right to vote and participate in democratic governance. By staying informed and exercising your right to vote, you fulfill your duty as a citizen to contribute to the collective decision-making process that defines our nation's future.

In conclusion, the 2024 election presents an opportunity for every citizen to make their voice heard and shape the direction of our country. By staying politically informed, you not only empower yourself to make informed decisions but also contribute to the strength and vitality of our democratic society. Let's embrace this responsibility with vigilance, empathy, and a commitment to a better tomorrow for all.

Matthew 7:15
True and False Prophets
“Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves."

Trump products on CafePress
Click here to order your Trump Products on CafePress

Trump products on Zazzle
Click here to order your Trump Products on Zazzle

The Reckoning: Our Nation's Trauma and Finding a Way to Heal
Click here to order your The Reckoning: Our Nation's Trauma and Finding a Way to Heal

Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man
Click here for order your Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man

Who Could Ever Love You: A Family Memoir
Click here to order your Who Could Ever Love You: A Family Memoir

The Trump Indictments: The Historic Charging Documents with Commentary
Click here to order your The Trump Indictments: The Historic Charging Documents with Commentary

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Friday, June 7, 2024

Project 2025 vs. Handmaid's Tale: A Comparison of Real-world Politics and Dystopian Fiction

Ostracizing single women? Inside Heritage Foundation's ‘Project 2025’ plan to strip women's rights
Alabama Democrat Marilyn Lands won a special election, after campaigning on abortion rights and IVF, for a state House seat. Meanwhile, the men over at the Heritage Foundation, a wealthy, right-wing think tank swarming with former Trump administration officials, have published a very detailed plan —”Project 2025”— for the next Republican president, with a section on abortion detailing the stripping of women's rights. Joy Reid and her panel discuss.

Not if we can help it! VOTE BLUE!

Yes, that top eye is a pig's. The other one belongs to CONald Grump

Pigs have many personality traits, both positive and negative, that can vary depending on the individual pig and the situation:

Pigs can be excitable and moody, and may quickly change from calm to angry. They can also be silent, taciturn, and not very eloquent. Pigs can also be gullible and naive, believing the best in people even when they don't deserve it.

Pigs can also be smart, lucky, and full of life. They are highly intelligent, inquisitive, adaptable, and social animals that learn quickly. In many learning tests, pigs can outperform dogs.

Other traits
Pigs can also have distinct personality traits that persist throughout their lives. For example, piglets can be spunky and aggressive, squealing loudly when held firmly by humans. In contrast, passive pigs may not squeal as much when handled. Sociable sows may interact more easily with humans, sniffing their boots. Fearful pigs may freeze when isolated in a strange environment.

IHIP NEWS: Project 2025
Youtube Exclusive Content Only: The conservatives have released a play book for the up coming election.

PROJECT 2025: The Republican Plan To Destroy America | The Kyle Kulinski Show

Ruth Ben-Ghiat Discusses Project 2025
Ruth Ben-Ghiat is Professor of History and Italian Studies at New York University. She writes about fascism, authoritarianism, propaganda, and democracy protection.
Ruth joins the Rural Progress Summit to detail the threats to our democracy contained in Project 2025 and the overall rise of authoritarianism at home and abroad.

Examining the Conservatives' Project 2025: Their Vision for a Real Life Handmaid's Tale
Project 2025 is a comprehensive initiative aimed at shaping the future of the United States by implementing policies and strategies focused on economic growth, national security, and social stability.
The 2025 Presidential Transition Project is grounded on four fundamental elements: a policy agenda, a database for Presidential Personnel, an Administration Academy for the President, and a guidebook outlining strategies for the initial 180 days of the forthcoming Administration. The plan emphasizes the importance of understanding and addressing the evolving needs of the nation in the year 2025 and beyond. The Republicans' Project 2025 plan details their strategy to utilize almost every aspect, instrument, and federal agency to target abortion.
Christo fascists are creating a strategic shift or reorientation toward a society or system reminiscent of the fictional world of Gilead from Margaret Atwood's novel "The Handmaid's Tale." This could involve changes in governance, social structure, or cultural values, although it's important to note that "The Handmaid's Tale" depicts a dystopian society characterized by oppression and authoritarianism.

Click here for read Project 2025 Presidential Transition Project, Building now for a conservative victory through policy, personnel, and training

In both reality and fiction, the idea of a future shaped by political agendas and societal shifts can be simultaneously intriguing and terrifying. The Republican Party's Project 2025 and the dystopian world portrayed in "The Handmaid's Tale" present two starkly contrasting visions of society. While one is a political initiative aiming for a particular future, the other is a fictional narrative warning against the dangers of extremism and authoritarianism. Let's delve into the details and examine how they compare.

Project 2025: A Political Agenda

Project 2025, proposed by the Republican Party, sets forth a conservative vision for America's future. At its core, it aims to reshape policies around issues such as immigration, healthcare, and education, with the goal of advancing conservative values and principles. This initiative has garnered both support and criticism, with proponents applauding its commitment to traditional values and critics raising concerns about its potential impacts on civil liberties and social equality.

One of the key aspects of Project 2025 is its emphasis on restricting immigration and strengthening border security. Advocates argue that tighter immigration policies are necessary to protect national security and preserve cultural identity. However, opponents warn against the potential human rights violations and economic consequences of such measures, pointing to the importance of compassion and inclusivity in shaping immigration policy.

Additionally, Project 2025 seeks to overhaul healthcare and education systems, promoting free-market principles and limited government intervention. Proponents believe that deregulation and privatization will lead to greater efficiency and innovation in these sectors. Conversely, critics argue that such reforms could exacerbate inequality and leave vulnerable populations without access to essential services.

The Handmaid's Tale: A Dystopian Warning

In Margaret Atwood's "The Handmaid's Tale," readers are transported to the Republic of Gilead, a totalitarian society where women are stripped of their rights and relegated to subservient roles. Set in a not-too-distant future, the novel explores themes of gender oppression, religious extremism, and the erosion of individual freedoms. The story follows Offred, a handmaid whose sole purpose is to bear children for the ruling class, as she navigates the oppressive regime and fights for her autonomy.

The parallels between Gilead and real-world politics are unsettling. The rise of authoritarian regimes, the erosion of reproductive rights, and the marginalization of minority groups are all too familiar in today's world. "The Handmaid's Tale" serves as a cautionary tale, reminding readers of the dangers of complacency and the importance of vigilance in safeguarding democratic values.

Comparing the Two

While Project 2025 and "The Handmaid's Tale" differ in their origins and intentions, they both offer insights into the potential consequences of political extremism. While Project 2025 represents a legitimate political agenda with supporters and detractors, "The Handmaid's Tale" serves as a fictional exploration of worst-case scenarios.

However, there are undeniable parallels between the two. Both highlight the dangers of authoritarianism, the importance of individual rights, and the need for vigilant oversight of political power. By examining these parallels, we can gain a deeper understanding of the complexities of modern politics and the importance of defending democratic principles.

In conclusion, Project 2025 and "The Handmaid's Tale" offer contrasting visions of society, yet both serve as reminders of the fragility of democracy and the dangers of political extremism. Whether in the realm of politics or fiction, it is essential to remain vigilant in safeguarding individual rights and freedoms, lest we find ourselves on a path towards dystopia.

Matthew 7:15
True and False Prophets
“Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves."

Trump products on CafePress
Click here to order your Trump Products on CafePress

Trump products on Zazzle
Click here to order your Trump Products on Zazzle

The Reckoning: Our Nation's Trauma and Finding a Way to Heal
Click here to order your The Reckoning: Our Nation's Trauma and Finding a Way to Heal

Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man
Click here for order your Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man

Who Could Ever Love You: A Family Memoir
Click here to order your Who Could Ever Love You: A Family Memoir

The Trump Indictments: The Historic Charging Documents with Commentary
Click here to order your The Trump Indictments: The Historic Charging Documents with Commentary

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Thursday, May 30, 2024

What's next? Sentencing

SEE HISTORY: Donald Trump found guilty on all 34 counts
A verdict has been reached in Trump's hush money criminal case. MSNBC’s Katie Phang brings you inside the New York City courtroom where Donald Trump was put on trial — the first former U.S. president to ever face a criminal trial. Phang, who has extensive trial experience as a prosecutor, will be joined by reporters who saw Trump inside that courtroom first-hand as well as legal analysts and Trump insiders.

What's next? Sentencing

What's next? Sentencing

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Every. Damn. Charge. GUILTY

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Click here to read Trump has been convicted. Here’s what happens next (Sentencing July 11, 2024)


The sentencing procedure for someone facing 34 criminal charges can be complex and varies depending on the jurisdiction, the nature of the charges, and the specific circumstances of the case.

1. Verdict:
Before sentencing occurs, the individual must first be found guilty of the charges they are facing. This typically involves a trial where evidence is presented, witnesses testify, and legal arguments are made by both the prosecution and the defense. If the person is found guilty on any or all of the charges, the next step is sentencing.

2. Pre-sentence Investigation (PSI):
In many cases, especially those involving multiple charges or serious offenses, the court may order a pre-sentence investigation. This investigation is conducted by probation officers who gather information about the defendant's background, criminal history, personal circumstances, and the circumstances surrounding the offenses they were convicted of. The PSI report provides the court with valuable information to consider when determining an appropriate sentence.

3. Sentencing Hearing:
During the sentencing hearing, both the prosecution and the defense have the opportunity to present arguments and evidence related to the appropriate sentence. This may include testimony from witnesses, victim impact statements, and legal arguments regarding factors that should be considered in determining the sentence. The judge will also review the PSI report and may consider any relevant statutory sentencing guidelines.

4. Factors Considered in Sentencing:
The judge considers various factors when determining the appropriate sentence, including the severity of the offenses, the defendant's criminal history, the impact of the crimes on victims, any mitigating or aggravating circumstances, and the defendant's remorse or lack thereof. Sentencing laws and guidelines in the jurisdiction may also influence the judge's decision.

5. Imposition of Sentence:
After considering all the relevant factors, the judge imposes the sentence. This may include a combination of fines, probation, community service, restitution to victims, and incarceration. In cases involving multiple charges, the sentences for each charge may be served concurrently (at the same time) or consecutively (one after the other), depending on the judge's discretion and applicable laws.

6. Appeals Process:
Following sentencing, the defendant may have the right to appeal the verdict or the sentence. The appeals process allows for a higher court to review the trial proceedings and determine whether any legal errors were made that warrant a new trial or a modification of the sentence.

Overall, sentencing for someone facing 34 criminal charges is a serious and complex process that requires careful consideration of various factors by the court. Each case is unique, and the outcome will depend on the specific circumstances involved.

Matthew 7:15
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“Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves."

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